A Big Adventure
Hedgehog Island is a Big Adventure in which Nickle Prickle and his chum Mike the Mouse go in search of an island where hedgehogs don't get squished.
And the hedgehogs that live there are VERY different.
With a bit of help from Trevor the Seagull, Nickle and Mike find Hedgehog Island where they’re greeted by the Whitespike family and President Quilliam.
But the adventure is just beginning and they’ll need the help of Susan the Super Shy Dragon – if she can be tempted from her cave!
Other characters in the story are…
Susan the Super Shy Dragon
Blonde Hedgehogs and Bees
Trevor and Theresa
It all began when Grandpappy the Wise told Nickle Prickle and his chum Mike the Mouse about an Island where hedgehogs are safe and live a carefree life. But he had heard that they were very different to normal hedgehogs. That’s all Nickle and Mike needed to hear! And so, the Big Adventure begins…
Listen up.
A little interview that Lynda did with BBC Radio Guernsey about the creation of Hedgehog Island
What do people say?
“Captures the magic of this Island paradise, with a very familiar President. A fantastic addition to any child’s library. Who wouldn’t love a blonde hedgehog? This could only have been written by somebody who truly loves our Island home.”
William Tate – President, States of Alderney
“Blonde hedgehogs are REAL, as is Hedgehog Island! Join Nickle and Mike as they discover the Channel Island of Alderney with all its welcoming wildlife, which makes it so wonderful!”
Roland Gauvain – CEO, Alderney Wildlife Trust